Larry's Performance Dates
Call the venue to confirm Larry's performance date & time
Tudor City Steakhouse
45 Tudor City Place, New York City
Benny John's
8 East 48th Street, New York City (between 5th and Madison)
Sala Astoria
34-39 31st Street, Astoria, New York
St. Marks Church-in-the-Bowery Frequent concert appearances
131 East 10th Street, New York City
The Hotel Edison On Hiatus
New York City
The Jazz Guitar World of Larry Luger On Hiatus
on City World Radio
Music Reviews
Larry Luger with Tony Bennett
at Notaro's Restaurant
Tony has fond admiration
for Larry and his musical talent.
He is often at many of Larry's
dinner shows.
at Notaro's Restaurant
Tony has fond admiration
for Larry and his musical talent.
He is often at many of Larry's
dinner shows.